Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Yes sometimes I don’t like my choices but still I don’t regret doing them

Well before saying anything bad about anyone or to give some people the attention or the drama they might not worth having
By getting older I get to know that I should be more responsible of whatever am doing whether it is bad or good and any reactions caused or resulted from my choices is for sure has a big part me choosing them ( ely yesheel erbah makhromah mesh hatkhor 3ala ar3et bent okhto akeed )
One main issue I always suffer from is that sometimes I chose the wrong people to be friend with or just to be around !! Most of the time momken bardo now am getting the result of such choices.
Back in my mind I always knew and am sure there is nothing wrong being nice with everyone and am always or for sure most of the time been sweet with and about everyone’s actions and behavior far away from any judgments (God knows how hard I was trying not to judge them but sometimes I just can’t shut up)
A lot of People I meet just call me or do efforts to be friends ( I do the same sometimes as well ) and I never doubt their intentions or think twice about their hidden agendas (aiwa ba7eb oghneet so3ad hosny el 7ayah ba2a lonha bambi) which I really like and I miss if it didn’t happen
How could I know they might have other motives, how is the hell am gonna know that !?! Bashem 3ala dahr edy ana !?!?
In return for sure I feel I should call them or to meet them up, thinking that we might be good friends or they might be better or more interesting persons than what my first impression tells me about them
Kaman ba2a as a result of being in a support group and me thinking it is a good cause to help everyone realizing how beautiful and good they are and they shouldn’t be ashamed of whom they are and the blah blah LGBT awareness am doing. Which I will never ever regret and I feel really overwhelmed, proud and happy with the results. I get to be around a lot of people, talk to them, trying to be in a better mutual understanding ground (which is good all the time) a hell of experience it is and it will always be, i meet people who are totally not like me in any single way (the only thing in common is “we are gays”) which is challenging and fun in the same time ( bas aho kolo begi 3ala demaghi delwa2ti ba2a heheheh)
I can’t deny for sure there should be a motive for helping others or else you will not be motivated to do it to start with
For me it never been more than the attention am getting from them (as one of my dear friends said if you could have a gay as pet you should feed him attention- ya3ni I cant find anything better to say) as well the joy of seeing everyone happy and am not talking about world peace here !!
Really seeing people happy and not necessarily thankful due to my efforts make me feel good, some other times I feel like they should at least say thanks specially my friends, if it is someone you don’t know it is fine but friends should be at least grateful and that never happen or rarely happen so it is better not to wait or to expect that.
This post was mainly to bitch at my crazy friends or the people who made me angry recently (the past few days or couple of weeks some of them were actually screaming at me on the phone/online and in real Kaman (nas taybeen awy) for no good reason or no reasons at all) and they wouldn’t say sorry 7ata ,not to mention the fake c..... teeeeeeeeeeeeeet and teeeeeeeeeeeet (have I said that out loud) but I thought I should be more grateful bitch and thank the nice ones I have now in my life or them all
Recently I got the chance and am honored to get closer to someone a dear friend of mine who made me realize and know the difference between good friends and bad friends or no friends at all, I promise if I started talking about him I will never stop and no one will ever disagree on that and it is not over rated I assure
My whole life I always been lucky surrounded with few good friends who supported me and made my life better place (special thanks to my life time vicious queen) some others made me realize that the world could be a hell place full of contradictions and lies (thanks bitches :p)
That post is mainly to thank my dear friends for being there or not being there whenever I needed them (I remember you were hungry eating at Fucking junk food restaurant ha !! )
Thanks to all the nice, fabulous and incredible people I met in my life and had a huge effect on it
Am grateful to the dramatic change you made in my life and my own perspective to life generally, the people I met in other countries had the biggest impact actually
You are mainly the reason why I feel am a better person now and for sure you are the one who made me that ugly monster I hate sometimes hehehe
Am grateful and thankful to you all and I really wouldn’t make it without anyone of you and can’t imagine myself living without you around and supporting me.