Monday, September 6, 2010

Smile you have been judged

If you know me, so for sure you will know that am not the sweetest person ever not the perfect one at all, I wanna believe I could be sweet sometimes or that what some few people say about me, true sometimes I talk about others allowing myself sometimes to judge them Kaman, usually am trying so hard (it is not that easy as it sounds) not to be judgmental or to talk about others in order not to be judged or to be talked about.
It is sometimes so simple, sometimes complicated and sophisticated (using difficult words give always more credibility), sometimes so short, sometimes not, sometime it is true, a lot of other times not , easy to be said, direct in your face , behind your back (who the hell will care about that bitch) , funny and sad, hurtful and insensitive as it never been something else and will never be no matter how much you say “ I respect you” or how much you say “ohh I love you” during judging  or afterwards (a lot of people say so as if it will make it look any better )
Hey am your friend I have the right to judge you (says who inshallah ya3ni ?!??) wait the best is yet to come ………..I give myself the right as well to talk about you / write about you sometimes (lets gossip about that Hoo) in whatever right and whatever I think is not right in my own mind and perspective, I could as well embarrass you infront of everyone we know and we don’t know (the more the merrier) because you trusted me or even if you don’t (the hell) am close enough from you and I get to know more I guess.
You are so short, you are so tall, your are so fat, you are so skinny, you are so girly, you are so fake (get over the straight acting dude), you are so out (am claustrophobic), you are so discrete (antisocial), you are so shallow (air headed), you are so complicated (mekalka3),you are having a lot of sex(what a slut), do you ever have sex(howa 7ad hayboselak aslan), look at your ass, for sure you have a small dick (size queens), your nose, your hair, whatever you are wearing is so ugly (you are so last season no you are like several decades ago), you are such a brand slave……………etc
I could go on & on & on, Seems like we can’t get enough living in a judgmental society so we have to judge each others. It might help us to feel better about ourselves
Well it is getting ugly L I hate it, can’t fake it anymore and it is not funny or so whatever ya3ni we are not Gods and haven’t heard about making you the king or the queen of anything.
STOP judging me & STOP judging others it will just not make you look or feel any better 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Online Friends

Q-Why do they seem so perfect?
A-    A- No body’s perfect
Q-Why do we feel like we will never find anything like them or even close to what we have in mind for them?
A-     A-Illusions play great role in this game
Q-Why they make us feel better than real life friends?
A-     A-Because we just give them more chances
Q-Why do we listen to people online and tend to tell them everything about us? (Even our darkest secrets) although we have been always known to have trust issue
A-     A-It is always easier talking with people you really don’t know about your disasters although it is totally wrong because you we will never know their intentions or motives
Q-Why we become so happy just to find their name colored in green?
A-     A-Because they decided to unblock you because they have more free time
Q-Why do we miss everything they used to say when they are offline?
A-     A-By time, chatting online with a lot of people you will make you know all the right words and tricks
Q-Why it tends to be easier saying we are sorry and we tend to be more understanding?
A-     A-Dignity and judgmental features seems to work only in real face2face situations 
Q-Why it become totally different when they become real friends?
A-     A-Because nothing was real to start with
Q-Why everything turn out to be just imaginary and only a result of our imagination?
A-     A-Welcome to real world
Q-Why do they smell, look and taste not like what we expected?
A-     A-They didn’t discover this technology yet, Again welcome to real world
Q-Why most of them lied to us about a lot of things and we believed them? Although we never believe our own real close friends in whatever they are saying
A-     A-We seems to be waiting for our friends faults and mistakes
Q-Why we want to believe they would be the same as we are in everything? Although by reading whatever they were saying / writing back than we find out that they were totally different but we didn’t want to see it neither we didn’t want to believe it.
A-     A-We tend to block the bad hints and want to believe world still pink as they used to tell us
Q-Why when we see their pictures we tend to believe they look really good? Regardless the major immediate need for plastic surgery intervention
A-     A-Go check your eyes and you might know
Q-Why am sharing all these things with you?
A-     A-Because I still believe I would find who would look , smell and taste the same way as expected in real not online (crossing fingers he wouldn’t be taken by now)